It was also noted that because of insufficient effective demand, some deep-rooted issues and problems in China's economic and social development would also become more serious. 在有效需求不足的情况下,我国经济社会发展中的一些深层次矛盾和问题也会更加凸显。
As for how to enlarge effective demand, Keynes put great emphasis on multiplies effect of investment, but his investment theory had to face the dynamic tight corner. 对于如何扩大有效需求,凯恩斯主要强调投资的乘数效应,但其投资理论面临着动态困境。
Anything that will lead to an increase in effective demand will restart the economy. 任何能够提高有效需求的支出都将起到重振经济的作用。
Those analyses make the basis for how to enlarge effective demand. 这些分析为如何扩大有效需求做了理论铺垫。
The crisis has shown that potential supply does not automatically translate into effective demand. 这场危机已经表明,潜在供应不会自动转化为有效需求。
While the manufacturing sector likely stabilized in October, the economy continues to show signs of insufficient effective demand. 尽管10月份制造业可能会趋稳,中国经济依然显示出有效需求不足的迹象。
Analysis Major Factor to Affect Jiangxi Youth Sports Club Effective Demand 影响江西青少年体育俱乐部有效需求的因素分析
If medical cost growth trend is curbed, will give social family more brought heavy burden, the residents of medical services will be more effective demand is restrained. 假如医疗费用增长趋向不加以抑制,将会给社会家庭带来愈加繁重的担负,居民医疗效劳的无效需求将愈加遭到抑制。
Yet there is now a campaign by some who regard themselves as his followers to play down the British economist's analysis of effective demand in favour of something they call animal spirits. 不过,一些自诩为这位英国经济学家追随者的人目前发起了一项行动,淡化他对于有效需求的分析,而支持所谓的动物精神(AnimalSpirits)。
Analysis on Insufficient Effective Demand of Agricultural Insurance in Anhui Province 安徽省农业保险有效需求不足的原因及对策
A decline in the effective demand; confused increased equipment and expenditure with the quantity of effective work done. 有效需求的下降;设备的增加和花费的有效劳动的数量很令人困惑。
In Keynesian economics, a country's short-term balanced employment and income level depend on effective demand, while effective demand is formed by consumption demand and investment demand. 摘要在凯恩斯的经济学说中,一国短期的均衡就业量和收入水平,决定于有效需求,而有效需求又是由消费需求和投资需求构成的。
Malthus, indeed, had vehemently opposed ricardo's doctrine that it was impossible for effective demand to be deficient; but vainly. 李嘉图认为有效需求不会不足,马尔萨斯虽曾强烈反对,但是没有用。
From the US budget of 1938, this challenged the idea of always balancing the budget, by stressing the need to boost effective demand by stimulating consumption. 从美国1938年的预算开始,这种做法就在挑战永远保持预算平衡的观点,它强调通过刺激消费以推动有效需求的必要性。
Topic and effective demand which combine this time design developed a student status management system. 结合本次设计的题目及实际需要开发了学籍管理系统。
The development of high-tech industries is faced with some problems, such as relatively insufficient effective demand. 高新技术产业的发展也面临着一些问题,特别是有效需求相对不足的问题。
Creation and Realization of Effective Demand: Inevitable Choice in Handling Global Economic Crisis 创造和实现有效需求是应对全球经济危机的必然选择
Income Distribution and Effective Demand in Economic Fluctuation: An Empirical Test Based on Chinese Data between 1990 and 2007 经济波动中的收入分配与有效需求&基于1990-2007年中国数据的再检验
Last year saw a decline in the effective demand for steel. 去年,钢铁的实际需求下降了。
A Research of Rural Effective Demand for Social Endowment Insurance& A Comprehensive Survey Based On the Willingness and Payment Capacity of Farmers 农村社会养老保险有效需求研究&基于农民参保意愿和缴费承受能力的综合考察
Although a favorable turn has taken place in China's economic development, the foundation has remained unstable, and the problem of inadequate effective demand continues to exist. 当前经济发展虽然出现重要转机,但基础还不稳固。有效需求不足的问题依然存在。
Yes, it focused on the insufficiency of effective demand to sustain employment but his essentially symmetrical analysis could equally be applied to excess demand. 的确,这本书关注的是维持就业所需的有效需求不足问题,但他本质上的对称分析,同样适用于过剩需求。
The long-existent problem of lack of effective demand seriously restricted the economic development of our country. 我国长期以来存在着有效需求不足的问题,这制约了我国经济的发展。
We can divide Japan's unemployment into structural unemployment and unemployment caused by deficiency of effective demand. 日本的失业可分为有效需求不足而导致的失业部分和结构性失业部分。
The problem of effective demand is the core of market economy or modern capitalist economy. 有效需求问题是市场经济或现代资本主义经济的核心问题。
Improving economic growth quality needs to change supply and expand effective demand. 提高内蒙古经济的增长质量需要从改善供给和扩大有效需求两个方面着手。
Because demand and consumption is closely related, effective demand must be reflected in the form of consumption. 因为需求与消费是密切相关的,潜在需求催动了主体的消费动机,而有效需求必须以消费的形式体现出来。
The vast difference between the urban and rural income and effective demand is. insufficient, urbanization and industrialization. 城乡收入的巨大差异,有效需求不足,城镇化和工业化发展受阻。
The index system includes effective demand and supply index, potential demand index and potential supply index. 该指数体系包含有效需求与供给指数、潜在需求指数、潜在供给指数。
Accurate, effective demand is the basis of an efficient system. 精准、有效的需求是设计一个高效系统的根本。